The mystery of fatherhood - Apostle Johnson Suleman

The mystery of fatherhood

Apostle Johnson Suleman is a Nigerian televangelist and the Senior Pastor of Omega Fire Ministries which has headquarters in Auchi, Nigeria. He was born into a Muslim family but soon realized his destiny was to serve God and not Allah. Very little is known about his year of birth, except that before and after he was born many prophets from nearby and distant surroundings visited his parents to tell them that they had received a message from God saying that a prophet who would minister in God's presence had been born in this house.

Apostle Johnson Suleman gave a wonderful lecture on the mystery of fatherhood where he explained in detail the mystery of fatherhood.

This is an awesome time to celebrate fatherhood because only a few people really understand what being a father really means, as without a father we would not be here. According to him, mothers are good but fathers are more important because the seed for procreation is not in the woman, but in the man. The man gives the woman the seed.

Then he cites the Biblical example of Abram, Sarai, Hagar and the offspring through the illegitimate relationship of Abram and Hagar, Ishmael. According to Apostle Johnson Suleman, All this was preordained. The release of Abram's seed for Ishmael meant the next seed to be planted in his wife was that of Isaac. So in the order of the universe, one happening had to be sequentially followed by the next. Genesis 17:17

Then Apostle Johnson Suleman asserts that it is very important that we understand fathers and fatherhood. The training for fatherhood must begin when we are very young. We have to learn the positive and the good of our fathers. He is critical of the present generation, where the child is mollycoddled even to age thirty.

This is precisely the reason Apostle Johnson Suleman has started the Dynamic British Montessori School for very young children, so they can, from a very early age be taught and molded to expand their minds and prepare them for living in this world and navigate all manipulations. They know exactly what to do and what not to do because they have been configured correctly from a very young age.

He mentions Obafemi Awolowo, Anthony Enahoro, Nnamdi Azikiwe and Ladoke Ekintole - who were all instrumental in gaining independence for Nigeria from colonial rule. They were all in their thirties when they assumed the roles of country makers. Apostle Johnson Suleman then compares the youth of today who, even at age thirty are living with their parents. He questions the parents who continue to assist the children even after age thirty. He urges students and youngsters who get a two to three months of school holidays, to take up a trade and earn some money for themselves.

He says a father is a provider. He rebukes most African fathers who think by just getting a woman pregnant makes him a father. Fatherhood is a provision and a father is a provider.

A father is in control but never controlling. Just because he pays the fees does not mean he can tell the child what to read.

A father should be a good role model. He should realize that the children look up to him and do what he does not what he says. He should be dependable, loyal and honest. The children will pick up these habits without being taught.
