4 Kinds OF Marriages that God Hates by Apostle Johnson Suleman

4 Kinds OF Marriages that God Hates by Apostle Johnson Suleman

Late marriage:

God’s plan for marriage is to enjoy. Late marriage denies one the opportunity to enjoy the
privilege of marriage God intends.

God created a man and women to marry at the right time, not late. There are so many benefits
of marriage that a man and woman can enjoy if they marry at the right time.
The apostle encourages the audience to ensure that no one gets into marriage late.

Distant marriage:

For this reason, a man shall leave his father and mother, and shall be joined together. The
apostle points out that God’s plan for marriage was so that a man and woman can
leave together. It’s not within God’s plan for and married man and the wife to
leave apart. If at all one should travel, then he should ensure he travels
together with his spouse. If that is not the case, then the traveling should
be postponed until when it will be possible for the couple to travel
together. He emphasized that God hates it
when a couple gets married and live apart. A person has to choose whether to
travel or to marry.

Childless marriage:

After marriage, God intends the couple to get children. It’s not within the plan of God for a
couple to live without biological children. God hates a childless marriage very

Broken marriage:

God hates divorce. It’s not the plan of God for a married couple to divorce. He says that
there are people who are together but the marriage is broken. Men and women who
are married but don’t talk or care for another. He states that there are men
and women are bleeding because they are hurting.

He powerfully declares that healing is coming for all those who are hurting. This is because God does
not want His people to live in pain.

He clarifies not only divorce that God hates, but also men and women who are married, but not in
talking terms. God equally hates that marriage.

There are men who carry other women in their cars while their wives are trekking. He warns
those women who make a man mistreat his wife, that they should get ready.


Basically, a man and women should love one another. They should with one another, and care for
one other. It’s God’s plan that each marriage should last and not break. It’s
also within God’s plan that no one should come between a man and a woman who
are married. God intends every married couple to have children. God wants
everyone to get married or married when it’s the right time. Lateness in
marriage has denied many the enjoyment of marriage.
